Sofware and Manuals

For all BEM software and easy-to-follow Instruction Manuals available as PDF downloads.

If you do not find the answers to your questions here, or have additional questions regarding our products and/or services, please feel free to send us a request via our contact form

1. Online Entry Manual for SportsLists

Anleitung Online-Anmeldung 2021v2_2021-09-27_09:24_am-08.pdf

Online Entry Guidelines_2022_2023-03-23_04:04_pm-49.pdf

Online Entry Guidelines_Adding a new rider_2023-03-23_04:04_pm-26.pdf

BEM Downloads

1 Operator Guide for BEM Toolbox 3-11_2020-08-20_01:50_pm-51.pdf

1a Toolbox Production

1b Toolbox 3-23-1 Release and Installation Notes_2024-04-17_02:23_am-00.pdf

2 BEM Package Overview 3-10-x_2020-08-20_01:49_pm-14.pdf

2a BEM 10 Production

2b Release and Installation Notes for BEM 10-23-1_2022-12-27_06:24_am-08.pdf

2c BEM 11 Production

2d Release and Installation Notes for BEM 11-23-3_2024-04-17_12:13_am-34.pdf

3 BEM User Guide 22-1_2022-03-09_06:31_am-38.pdf

3b BEM Guide for XCE Events_2022-03-09_06:30_am-04.pdf

3c BEM Guide for Enduro Events V1_2022-03-09_06:30_am-28.pdf

4 RRD User Guide 21-5_2021-06-06_08:36_am-53.pdf

5 Series User Guide 21-5_2021-06-06_08:35_am-34.pdf

6 BemTrain Overview 3-2-5_2021-06-04_09:35_am-59.pdf

6a BemTrain Production

6b BemTrain Release and Installation Notes - Version 3-4-1_2024-06-10_03:54_am-01.pdf

6c BemTrain User Guide 3-3-0_2021-11-02_04:54_am-50.pdf

7 BEM Transponder and Lynx-Guides Oct

8 Label Mail Merge Docs for BEM

Chip Time Trainer


Pump Track_2021-03-23_01:08_pm-49.pdf

MyLaps ProChip FLEX Transponder Subscription Renewal

MyLaps ProChip Transponder Information_2023-02-23_11:48_am-25.pdf


Race Event Manager (REM)

RACE EVENT MANAGER (REM)_2023-02-11_04:15_pm-33.pdf